Delivery Policy

At Brostartup, we are committed to delivering our digital products to our customers promptly and efficiently. Please review our delivery policy below:

  1. Delivery Timeframe:
    • For web-based products: Delivery will be completed within 48 hours from the time of purchase, excluding Sundays, Saturdays, and public holidays.
    • For Android and iOS-based products: Delivery will be completed within 72 hours from the time of purchase, excluding Sundays, Saturdays, and public holidays.
  2. Exclusions:
    • Sundays, Saturdays, and public holidays will not be counted towards the 48-hour or 72-hour delivery timeframe.
    • In cases where the purchase is made on a Sunday, Saturday, or public holiday, the delivery timeframe will commence from the next working day.
    • Delays caused by unforeseen circumstances such as technical issues, third-party dependencies, or force majeure events will not be included in the delivery timeframe.
  3. Delivery Confirmation:
    • Customers will receive a confirmation email once the product has been successfully delivered. This email will include details such as delivery date and time, as well as instructions on how to access or use the product.
  4. Delivery Assistance:
    • For any delivery-related inquiries or assistance, customers are encouraged to contact our customer support team at We are committed to resolving any delivery-related issues promptly and ensuring a satisfactory customer experience.
  5. Code Sharing:
    • Please note that sharing of project code or any proprietary information related to the product is strictly prohibited. Customers are expected to use the product for their intended purpose and refrain from sharing or distributing the code to third parties.

We strive to provide a seamless and efficient delivery experience for all our customers. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our delivery policy, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer support team for assistance.

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